PDF BookAssessing Student Threats A Handbook for Implementing the Salem-Keizer System

Free Ebook Assessing Student Threats A Handbook for Implementing the Salem-Keizer System

Free Ebook Assessing Student Threats A Handbook for Implementing the Salem-Keizer System

Free Ebook Assessing Student Threats A Handbook for Implementing the Salem-Keizer System

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Free Ebook Assessing Student Threats A Handbook for Implementing the Salem-Keizer System, this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2011-06-16
Released on:
Original language: English
Free Ebook Assessing Student Threats A Handbook for Implementing the Salem-Keizer System

Assessing Student Threats: A Handbook for Implementing the Salem-Keizer System is a manual for the implementation of a threat assessment system that follows the recommendations of the Safe Schools Initiative and the prescriptive outline provided by the FBI. Written from an educator's perspective with contributing authors from law enforcement, public mental health and the district attorney's office, this book contains an introduction to the basic concepts of threat assessment, a review of the research, and an outlined process for the application of a comprehensive yet expeditious multi-disciplinary system. The book also includes the protocols needed to assess threats, document concerns and interventions, and track the progress of supervision. As extra features, there are chapters on site security, community safety, adult threat assessment, and an adaptation of the system for higher education.
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